December Updates
Below are links to letters and transcripts of calls sharing updates for the month of December. Transcript of Call 12-8-21
Below are links to letters and transcripts of calls sharing updates for the month of December. Transcript of Call 12-8-21
En español This clinic is mainly for the 2nd vaccine shot from our previous clinic and booster vaccine shots. However, 1st doses can be given at this clinic as well, but we will not be hosting a 3rd …
Haga clic para la versión en español PFIZER COVID-19 VACCINES & FLU SHOTS Pfizer Vaccines Available for Individuals 5 years and older* Dinwiddie, we are rolling out vaccines for children ages 5-11! On November 16 the VDH Crater …
PUBLIC NOTICE This is notification that the Dinwiddie County School Board will be meeting for Regular Session on, Tuesday, November 9, 2021, in the Pamplin Administration Building. 3:00 P.M. – CLOSED SESSION The Board Members will go immediately into Closed Session for …
Now that fall (autumn) is here and the nights are getting cold, the time is coming to “Fall Back”. Daylight Saving Time ends on November 7 at 2:00 am; therefore, before you go to bed on Saturday, November …
Are you interested in your child attending the Dinwiddie Virtual Academy for the 2022-2023 school year? SORRY, THE DEADLINE FOR INTEREST HAS PAST. If yes, complete the Interest Application found on our Dinwiddie Virtual Academy page by 4:00 p.m. …
Remember, no school on November 1 and November 2; they are now both Teacher Workdays. Hope you have a great long weekend and we will see you on Wednesday, November 3, for the start of the second 9 …
*October 12, 2021 Greetings Parents/Guardians, We have completed a month and a half of school and we continue to move forward. Please mark your calendars for the following upcoming events: *Parent Teacher Conferences: Wednesday, October 27, 2021 (4PM-6PM) …
Hello Parents, On October 8, 2021, Dinwiddie Elementary School will be participating in a Lockdown Drill. Again, this is just a drill so our students can know what to do if there is ever a need to actually …
At the Virginia Board of Education’s September 23, 2021, meeting, Dinwiddie County Public Schools was one of the divisions designated as “School Division of Innovation”. This five-year designation serves to recognize the division’s work to lead transformative innovation …